Whether you are visiting us for the first time or have been active with us for many years, we pray for God's blessings for your life!
We offer worship by connecting to God and neighbor, all grounded in the rich tradition of our United Methodist heritage. We have a historic and beautiful sanctuary, built in the 1940's, with stunning stain glass windows and beautiful wood that serves as meeting place for our 10:50 am worship service.
Our worship is from the liturgical tradition. Liturgy literally means "work of the people." Our services include shared written prayers, responsive readings and affirmations of faith that come from the variety of Christian tradition as well as those newly written for our context today.
If you are thinking about coming to Oak Forest UMC for the first time, we have listed a snapshot below of what to expect on a typical Sunday morning. We realize trying something new can be a little scary and want to do everything we can to put you at ease while visiting. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our church office at 501-663-9407 or [email protected].
We offer worship by connecting to God and neighbor, all grounded in the rich tradition of our United Methodist heritage. We have a historic and beautiful sanctuary, built in the 1940's, with stunning stain glass windows and beautiful wood that serves as meeting place for our 10:50 am worship service.
Our worship is from the liturgical tradition. Liturgy literally means "work of the people." Our services include shared written prayers, responsive readings and affirmations of faith that come from the variety of Christian tradition as well as those newly written for our context today.
If you are thinking about coming to Oak Forest UMC for the first time, we have listed a snapshot below of what to expect on a typical Sunday morning. We realize trying something new can be a little scary and want to do everything we can to put you at ease while visiting. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our church office at 501-663-9407 or [email protected].
Frequently Asked Questions
What should i wear?
Please come in whatever you feel comfortable wearing. Our most formal members wear "business casual," while our least-formal attendees wear jeans and
T-shirts. We want you to be comfortable to worship our God in whatever that means to you.
T-shirts. We want you to be comfortable to worship our God in whatever that means to you.
what time is worship?
Worship is at 10:50 am
Where do i park?
We have a big parking lot behind the church. There is more than enough space for you. There is also some side parking along 25th street and the church. This is handicap parking on Sundays.
is there a nursery?
We offer nursery during Sunday school and worship. It is open for newborns through age 6. The nursery is located down the hall from the sanctuary follow the signs for that space.
We welcome children in worship and the squirms and laughter they may bring with them!
We welcome children in worship and the squirms and laughter they may bring with them!
What will i be expected to do while at worship?
- First, we promise you won't be embarrassed or pressured to give money or to join the church, so relax and focus on experiencing worship.
- We'll be singing songs to express our love for God, follow along in the bulletin to know the hymnal page numbers to join in.
- You may also see Christian sacraments, such as baptism or communion, and we'll be sure to explain what they mean so you won't feel out of the loop. Everyone is invited to participate as shared in the service.
- Our pastor will share a relevant message to enable you to discover new truths that help you see life from God's point of view. We encourage you to take notes, if you would like.
- Worship is about an hour so you'll be ready to go pick up your little ones, meet new friends for lunch, or just head home for that afternoon nap.